
Wireless Access @ San Antonio College  

The wireless network is available to San Antonio College students, faculty and staff and offers fast and reliable data connection speeds.  在圣安东尼奥学院校园的许多建筑物内都可以使用无线上网,在校园的某些区域也提供户外无线上网.  这个网站是您关于圣安东尼奥学院无线网络有用信息的中心“一站式商店”, wireless hotspot locations, connection instructions, frequently asked questions and equipment loaner programs. 

Wireless Terms

802.11ac - An IEEE wireless standard that was defined subsequent to 802.11n.  1.3 gigabits per second (Gbps) is the speed most commonly cited as the 802.11ac standard.  This is vastly quicker that 450Mbit per second speeds quoted on the 802.11n routers.
Acceptable Use Policy - Definition of what a user can and cannot do when using IT resources.
AlamoGuest Wireless Access - 访客无线接入允许学生和访客连接到圣安东尼奥学院主校区的互联网.
AlamoNet Wireless Access - AlamoNet Wireless network is available to San Antonio College employees.  该安全网络将出现在设备的WiFi设置中,使授权用户能够访问互联网和澳门新葡京博彩区网络资源.
Bandwidth - 在给定时间内可以通过网络传输的最大信息量.
Wireless Access Point - Alternatively referred to as a wireless router, 接入点是使具有无线访问的用户能够连接到网络或Internet的无线接收器的位置.  Equipment from one vendor with "Wi-Fi" branding should be compatible.
Wi-Fi - Short for 'Wireless Fidelity'. 一种短距离无线技术,允许设备通过局域网无线连接和传输信息.  

Wi-Fi Map

Wi-Fi FAQs

What is Wi-Fi?

“wifi”一词通常与无线互联网连接在一起使用. In other words, 它是一种不使用电缆或电线就能接入互联网或网络的方式, allowing for truly mobile technology. 无线连接使学生和员工可以使用笔记本电脑或其他移动设备在大学校园内轻松移动,同时保持网络连接.

What is 802.11x?

802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g - 802.11是一个数字,用来指为无线网络开发的被广泛接受的规范. The specifications were developed by IEEE, 致力于计算机和电子工业的专业组织. The appended a, b or g represents a variance of the 802.11 specifications. San Antonio College Wireless Network supports the, b, g, n and ac variances.

What kind of wireless card should I purchase?

Besides a wireless compatible device, such as a laptop computer, tablet or smartphone, you will need an 802.11a, 802.11b 802.11g 802.11n or 802.11ac兼容的无线网络接口卡(无线网卡)在您的无线兼容设备上安装并正常工作.

What is a wireless access point?

无线接入点是一种带有内置网络适配器的小型专用硬件设备, antenna, radio transmitter, and receiver. 接入点充当无线网络无线电信号的中心发射器和接收器. At San Antonio College, 有超过250个接入点可以为无线用户提供网络连接.

What is a hotspot?

无线热点可在几个室内和室外的学院地点. 选择此网页上的Wi-Fi覆盖地图链接,以查看可用Wi-Fi接入位置的列表.

How fast is our wireless network?

Our wireless is using 802.11ac which supports up to 500 mbps. 平均连接速度为50至60 mbps,具体取决于无线网卡的能力.

What is the difference between AlamoNet and AlamoGuest?

AlamoNet Wi-Fi服务是一个安全的无线选择提供给澳门新葡京博彩的员工. 您的用户名和密码以及从您的设备传输到无线接入点的所有数据都是加密的. AlamoGuest is provided for Alamo Colleges students and visitors. AlamoGuest是一个开放的、未加密的网络,不需要用户名或密码. 你可以访问AlamoGuest,如果你需要访问学校的资源,如电子邮件或ACES.


You can connect from any Wi-Fi (802.11a/g/n/ac) capable device (laptop, tablet or smartphone). 有线连接总是比无线连接更快,更不容易受到外界干扰.



How do I connect and login to San Antonio College wireless network?

这些说明概述了连接到无线网络的一般程序. 如果说明不适合你,请澳门新葡京博彩的学院帮助台210-486-0777.

Is there a charge to access our College Wireless network ?

连接圣安东尼奥学院无线热点不需要任何费用. Access is available to all Alamo Colleges students, faculty and staff.

When is the wireless service available for use?

除了定期维修或任何不可预见的网络或电气问题外,无线网络全年24小时可用. The downtimes will be advertises in advance on the System Alerts homepage.

Why does wireless work in some areas, but not in others?

Wireless is not available in every area on San Antonio College campus. Access the college Wi-Fi map to view a list of Wi-Fi Hotspot locations.

What do I do if I am getting a bad signal strength?

Electrical items like microwaves, radios, 游戏机控制器或厚厚的混凝土墙都会干扰Wi-Fi信号. 如果您的信号一直很差或您无法获得信号,请澳门新葡京博彩sac-helpdesk@iin3d.com or contact us 210-486-0777

How do I report a wireless connectivity issue?

If you are having a connection problem related to the wireless network, 您可以拨打210-486-0777向我们的学院服务台报告,或发送电子邮件至sac-helpdesk@iin3d.com. 您也可以在mlc710 (OTS服务中心)停留,获得上门技术支持协助.

How can I request a new wireless location or service expansion?

新的无线位置或服务扩展的请求通过Footprints提交. 一旦我们收到此请求,OTS专家将与您联系以确认此请求的详细信息. 对于需要无线连接的特殊活动,请咨询我们的OTS专家.



Did You Know?

San Antonio College has approximately 400 wireless access points available.

The wireless coverage for each access point has an approximate range of 150 feet.
